Coaching Tips



10 Most Common Tactical Problems During a Soccer Game


 1. Missing scoring opportunities 

 2. Losing control or no midfield play at all. 

 3. Not winning one-on-one duals. 

 4. Players not taking chances in the attacking third. 

 5. Players not seeing their teammates - Poor vision

 6. Making transitions too slowly. 

     Three distinct moments during a soccer game: 

      -When your team has the ball. 

      -When their team has the ball. 

      -When neither team has the ball.

7. Defenders giving up. 

8. Attackers not being creative.

9. Goalkeepers not starting the counterattack. 


    -Marking in the defensive third is weak. 

    -Goalside and ballside of your man as appropriate.

    -Ball watching instead of reacting. 

    -Not cutting off passing 


10 Most Important Soccer Skills Youth Soccer Players and Teams Need to Develop


1. Greater Mobility On and Off the Ball


2. Proficient Finishers

Put the ball in the back of the net

 3. Greater Technical Speed

Greater speed with the ball

 4. Greater Speed of Thought

This will help a player maintain possession of the ball

 5. Greater Physical Speed

This is one of the greatest physical attributes for soccer along with balance, coordination and agility

 6. Speed in Transition

3 moments in a soccer game: When we have the ball; when they have the ball, and when no one has the ball

 7. Identifying Personality Players

Leaders, passion, players that want to take the other team 1 vs 1, goofy players

 8. Accurately Strike a Ball Over a Long Distance

The ability to strike a ball, period

 9. Passing With Either Foot

Need to be proficient using either foot

 10. First Touch

The most important skill a soccer player can develop


Steps for Planning a Training Session



What are the strong and weak points of the team?

What happened good and bad at the last training session and match?

Choice of Session Topic

What can we achieve in a single session?

Was the problem due to lack of technical or tactical knowledge by the player or team?

What is the next progressive step in your training series?

Will it help solve the problem or do we need to go back to a previous session and pick up the pieces?

Planning the Training Session

Plan the training session before, not at.

Take into account space, length of training session, and ability and number of players.

Ensure a proper progressive session to help increase the players chances of improving.

Warm-up and stretching - Demonstration - No Pressure - Pressure - Match Related - Match Condition

Executing the Training Session

KISS (Keep It Short and Simple)

Keep instructions and feedback short and concise. The players came to play, not listen to us talk.

The session should have a natural flow and progression so optimum learning takes place.

Do not be afraid to scrap the lesson plan in the middle of your session and start fresh.

Evaluating the Training Session

Every coach should do an evaluation of each training session in order to increase the players chance of success.

A self-evaluation by each coach will make you a better coach. Ask for feedback from assistants, etc.

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